
Come, Come My Friends
John Barleycorn
The Bird in the Bush
The Three Ravens
Fair Maid of Australia
Winter Man (Chris Leslie)
New Year (Jehanne Mehta)
The Month of January
Cupid's Garden
The Brokendown Gentleman
Love in June
Lymington Round & Round
The Spotted Cow
Washing Day
George Collins
The Rolling of The Stones
Here is My Home (Si Kahn)

CD now available on Fallen Angle Music

New Year (Jehanne Mehta ©Jehanne Mehta)

A song from Jehanne Mehta my son's godmother, a
great songwriter and storyteller. I sing this all too
infrequently because of its subject matter. It always
seems odd to sing about New Year, or January, or
even May for that matter, at other times in the year -
but all that this does is close off really good songs.
Ah the power of recorded music.

The Song

The old year shakes his hoary head
For his time is nearly through
We will see him swiftly on his way
Sing a welcome to the new
Now the glass is turning
Set the boats a burning
New songs to be learning
New roads to be treading.

The January wind is come
To sweep old lines away
The new year comes with pen in hand
To write another play
Time's at a beginning
Set the wheels a spinning
New Kites to be flying
New links to be tying.

Now take your loved ones by the hand
For this I tell you true
The gladness of the passing year
Sheds a glow upon the new
Down the road together
Wind or bitter weather
New feats to be daring
New ale to be sharing.

Repeat verse 1.